CDFB00215. 14 November 1975. Question raised by MP Tom Cossitt in the House of Commons on 7 November 1975 Regarding Featherbed and Reply.

On 7 November 1975, MP Tom Cossitt posed a question in the House of Commons about the existence of Feather Bed. His question suggested that he was under the impression that the Featherbed investigation centered around one person. The suggested replies, the second of which was ultimately used, stated that the RCMP was unable to divulge the information Cossitt wanted. The background information confirmed that the file was already dormant at the time.

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A-2017-163 - ATIP Informal (Canadian Security Intelligence Service)

Volume 3
14 November 1975. Question raised by MP Tom Cossitt in the House of Commons on 7 November 1975 Regarding Featherbed and Reply.