28 January 1966: HYDRA System Problems
The response to Finch – which came from Alan Routledge at the Diplomatic Service Administration Office after being passed on by Habberfield – was less than enthusiastic. Routledge noted that the ACP 127C procedure was a complete misfit for lengthy Diplomatic Service telegrams, and no doubt, External Affairs in Canada would have similar issues. With the London Traffic Centre handling diplomatic and not military communications, Routledge could not agree to adopt military communication procedures like ACP 127C. Routledge was “not keen” on adopting any “rigid or time-consuming procedures as regards to notional message handling times” either.
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Fixed Communications - Hydra Telegraph Relay System - Relocation of Hydra - Plans and Policy, RG24, S-2723-2, Vol. 2, Library and Archives Canada (LAC)