November 1, 1962

This page includes diplomatic cables from November 1st, 1962. This date contains two items. One document examines international reaction to the crisis and Cuba’s future. The other document relates to Canadian responses and proposals to the crisis. 

On November 1, the Canadian Embassy in Washington forwarded a copy of a report from the Chicago Tribune regarding Canada’s support for the USA during the Cuban crisis (CDNW12439). The report details how this was a “difficult decision for Canadians.”

Following the decision to withdraw Soviet missiles from Cuba, the United Arab Republic assured Castro of UN intervention to quell any fears of an attack by the US. The UAR was also “putting considerable pressure” on Castro not to raise the matter of Guantanamo (CDNW12383). 

Item Date From To Number
CDNW12439.pdf 1-Nov-62 WASHDC EXTERNAL 3223
CDNW12383.pdf 1-Nov-62 LDN EXTERNAL 3897