Graphs and Map

This page includes a map, graphs, and table that help visualize the geography and frequency of the diplomatic cables sent in the time period coverd by this briefing book.

Line Graph.png

Line graph showing number of diplomatic cables sent per day. Time period of this chart includes dates of all cables from collection.

Crisis Bar Graph.png

A bar graph showing the number of diplomatic cables in the briefing book during each day of the immediate crisis period.

Pie Graph.png

A pie chart illustrating the percentage distribution of diplomatic cables originating from each continent.

Cables by Location.png

A bar graph depicting the number of diplomatic cables sent each day from each originator. (Note the table, below, presenting same information.)

Map FINAL.png

A map displaying the number of diplomatic cables originating from each country. (Note the table, below, presenting same information.)

Originator Location # of Cables
ACCRA Accra, Ghana 2
ANKARA Ankara, Turkiye 1
BAIRES Buenos Aires, Argentina 2
BONN Bonn, Germany 7
BRU Brussels, Belgium 1
CAIRO Cairo, Egypt 4
CANDELNY Canadian Delegation in New York (United Nations), USA 5
CNBRA Canberra, Australia 1
COLOMBO Columbo, Sri Lanka 1
COPEN Copenhagen, Denmark 1
DJAKARTA Djakarta, Indonesia 1
EMBPARIS Paris Embassy, France 16
EXTERNAL Secretary of External Affairs, Canada 4
HAVANA Havana, Cuba 11
LAGOS Lagos, Nigeria 2
LDN London, England 32
LIMA Lima, Peru 1
LISBON Lisbon, Portugal 1
MEXICO Mexico City, Mexico 3
MOSCOW Moscow, Russia 12
MVIDEO Montevideo, Uruguay 2
NATOPARIS NATO Paris, France 23
OSLO Oslo, Norway 2
PERMISNY Permanent Mission in New York (United Nations), USA 10
PORTOFSPAIN Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago 1
PRAGUE Prague, Czech Republic 2
RIO Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 5
ROME Rome, Italy 3
SANTODOMINGORD Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 2
STKHM Stockholm, Sweden 2
TEHRAN Tehran, Iran 1
WARSAW Warsaw, Poland 1
WASHDC Washington DC, USA 55
WLGTN Wellington, New Zealand 2

The graphs and maps on this page are the work of Maya Sonja Smith. All graphs were created with Microsoft Excel. The map was created using a generalized world map on ArcGIS Pro (, with labels applied in Microsoft PowerPoint.