[U.S.] SecState no. 10 to multiple addressees
March 21st, 1953. This is a United States diplomatic telegram containing a statement by SACEUR General Ridgway. Ridgway explained the particulars of the March 19th incident. He was informed by General Norstad that the previously authorised flight of the Soviet aircraft was nearly two hours behind schedule, and that the Canadian pilots were merely instructed to identify it and in no way damaged or threatened the Soviet plane. The Soviet pilot “did not allege any improper action” by the RCAF fighters. General Ridgway described the interception as “normal, proper, and essential” and stated that he hoped his own plane would be similarly intercepted “under like circumstances.”
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Soviet air attacks in Germany - Possible employment of RCAF, RG25-A-3-b, Volume number: 6030, File number: 50290-40, File part: 1. Library and Archives Canada.