Interception of Soviet Plane over France by Canadian Fighter Aircraft (March 19, 1953)
Two RCAF fighters under the command of the American Air Control Centre intercepted a Dakota transport aircraft over Metz, Germany at 2:00pm local time on March 19th 1953. Suspecting this was a Soviet plane, the RCAF fighters trailed it but fired no shots. Afterward, the Soviet Union filed a complaint [with the Berlin Air Safety Centre], and revealed that the Dakota was carrying a Russian delegate to the United Nations from Paris to Berlin. However, the plane was 1hr and 50min behind schedule and Air Control was not notified of the delay.
This section begins with a letter detailing the incident, followed by responses from the various stakeholders involved. Contrasting accounts from the Canadians and the Soviets are discussed through telegrams, and the Americans maintained they had “no involvement” in the incident.