May-June 1959: JIC Report on Appendix A
The JIC once again reports on the Concept document, this time stating that they can only comment on paragraphs 6–9 and Appendix A.
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Draft report, "CSC 1/57 - Concept of Operations," 20 May 1959, LAC, RG 25, vol. 4903, file no. 50115-P-40, part 3; Draft, "JIC Comments on Certain Sections of CSC 1/57," LAC, RG 25, vol. 4903, file no. 50115-P-40, part 3; "Conditions Under Which Mobilization Might Take Place," 11 Jun. 1959, LAC, RG 25, vol. 4903, file no. 50115-P-40, part 3.