May-June 1957: CSC Amendments
The CSC begins discussing the Concept document. These meetings shed light on the document's evolution, as it was drafted as a follow-up to an earlier document entitled “Conditions Under Which Mobilization Might Take Place.” The Concept document describes the second phase of military operations following a potential attack by the Soviet Union. There is some disagreement among the CSC's members as to the type and scale of a potential attack. Lieutenant-General Howard Graham expressed that it would be unwise to prepare only for nuclear attack while others are worried that NATO and UN commitments will result in Canada’s defense being weakened. There is also a suggestion that a section be added concerning the “wartime employment of scientists and technicians.”
Another meeting on 7 June 1957 discusses the Concept document again, including the addition of new content. Among the edits is the addition of a paragraph highlighting the risk of Soviet submarines employing nuclear missiles. An amended draft of the Concept document results from these discussions, with most of the proposed CSC amendments having been made.
Document Viewer
Draft report to the Chiefs of Staff Committee by the Joint Planning Committee, 27 May 1957, Library and Archives Canada (LAC), RG 25, vol. 4903, file no. 50115-P-40, part 3.