10 July 1959: A Report to the JPC by a Working Group on the Revision of CSC Paper

This document was the first report issued by the working group, formed to revise the Concept document. The working group concludes that if the CSC wished to consider revisions “only in the framework in which the paper now existed,” the previous amendments would be sufficient. But if the CSC wished to rewrite the Concept document, the working group felt that the existing version was lacking in some areas. The aim, time frame, and assumptions contained in the document could be revised, and the group favours a complete rewrite, expanding the paper to include “Emergency Defence and Survival” and issuing the Concept document as a CSC Directive. The working group also recommends changing the document's title to ”The Concept of the Employment of the Canadian Armed Forces in the Event of a Major War.”

10 July 1959: A Report to the JPC by a Working Group on the Revision of CSC Paper