CDKW00170 - Army Falls In-Step with America
Also in late September, the Canadian Army began to focus seriously on sending ground troops to Korea within the next month. As part of this effort, the Canadian Army was in frequent discussion with the Americans, and ascertained that they will follow MacArthur north of the 38th parallel in Korea despite lack of a clear UN consensus on this issue. Another key decision indicated by this document is that despite tentative plans for a Commonwealth Brigade already emerging, the Canadian Army is planning to switch over towards all-US equipment. US General Gruenther “appreciates that although the principles are sound the decision was difficult and the effects will be far-reaching internally.” Although Canadian troops were not yet on the ground, these Army correspondences indicate that the Canadian military was planning to walk in-step with the Americans, even as Canadian diplomats worked to formally align their forces with the Commonwealth.
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"Korean War - Reaction by Canada," RG24-B-1-a, vol. 20810, 7-10-5, part 1, Library and Archives Canada (LAC).