January–February 1953, NATO and Global Planning
Wilgress responds to Heeney after having reaffirmed Pearson’s position on global planning and Canada’s role in a proposed planning body. Pearson maintains that global planning is in some ways necessary, but that it will be difficult to use NATO agencies for this purpose. Wilgress stresses the importance of maintaining the distinction between global strategy and planning, as he believes that NATO can concern itself with the former but not the latter.
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Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs to Permanent Representative of Canada at the North Atlantic Council, Paris, "NATO and Global Defence Problems," 2 Feb. 1953, LAC, RG 25, vol. 4903, file no. 50115-P-40, part 2; Wilgress memorandum for the Minister, "NATO and Global Planning," 24 Jan. 1953, LAC, RG 25, vol. 4903, file no. 50115-P-40, part 2.