3 July 1943, No. 80
July 3, 1943. An important Wilgress analysis. He accounts for improved US-Soviet relations after the US Ambassador, Admiral William Standley, was unable to offer explanation. By spring 1942, there was evidence that the Soviet Union was becoming distrustful of the United States on the basis of postwar planning. Wilgress hoped for future cooperation between the Americans and the Soviets, especially on the basis of mutual interest in postwar cooperation for securing peace and prosperity. Wilgress is convinced that the Soviet Union is concerned only with peace in the immediate future, and suggests cooperation will rely on American recognition and appreciation of this fact. This cable reveals the stark contrast between the US and British approaches to Soviet policy: while the Americans were suspicious, the British took measures to include the Soviets in planning to allay mistrust. Wilgress and the Canadian delegation were not oblivious to the idiosyncratic diplomacy of their allies.
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Kuibyshev to Ottawa, 3 July 1943, no. 80. Record Group 25, series 2-AE(S), vol. 1. Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa.