9 February 1962: Briefing Papers

This compilation of documents was generated by the Defence Liaison Division for George Ignatieff, who by this point had replaced Léger as Canada’s permanent representative to NATO. Included in the package are:

A.   A Departmental memorandum of October 11, 1961, summarizing the main features of “Live Oak” and touching on some of the difficulties and obscurities . . .;

B. The text of the “Instructions to NATO Military Authorities” in connection with NATO planning for a Berlin emergency . . .;

C. Telegram DL-1325 of October 18, approved by the Prime Minister;

D.  Telegram DL-1521 of November 20 contains comments, approved by the Prime Minister on an interpretation given by Secretary-General Stikker of certain phrases which occur in Annex B to NATO Document; and

E. The substance of NATO Document PO/61/809.

Together, these documents give a concise picture of what the Canadians knew and felt about the LIVE OAK and NATO Berlin planning.

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Defence Liaison (1) Division to Ignatieff, ‘‘Berlin: Contingency Planning,’’ 9 Feb. 1962, LAC, RG 25, vol. 6080, file no. 50341-A-2-40, part 1.
