25 October 1962: “Berlin Contingency Planning Has Not Been Very Successful”

Ignatieff is clear on the position that Canada should take and is now concerned with the “formula” he will use to make his statement. After consultations with Thomas Finletter, the US Ambassador to NATO, it is made clear that making a reservation to the inclusion of nuclear weapons will not be straightforward. The Council's main objective is to pass the contingency plans in order to remove them from the agenda “as bones of contention.” Thus, Ignatieff seeks approval to make a statement of “understanding of implications of decision” rather than a condition or reservation.

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NATO Paris to External Affairs, "Berlin Contingency,’’ 25 Oct. 1962, LAC, RG 25, vol. 6080, file no. 50341-A-2-40, part 2.

25 October 1962: “Berlin Contingency Planning Has Not Been Very Successful”