Browse Items (37652 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Page of 1883 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added RG24-C-1, Microfilm Reel Number C-8383 File Number: 8885 LAC 1943 Colonel Chesley, DSD to D. Admin., "Special 25-1-1," 27 April 1943 LAC 27-Apr-43 Colonel, DSD, Memorandum to Colonel Ferguson, Director Personal Services, 21 April 1943 LAC 21-Apr-43 Colonel Chesley, DSD, Memorandum, "Director of Records," 9 April 1943 LAC 09-Apr-43 Colonel Keating, DTM to DSD, "Embarkation Vessel E.632 - A.T. 41," 5 April 1943 LAC 05-Apr-43 Correspondence Regarding Court-Martial, No. 2 District Depot, March-April 1943 LAC Mar-Apr-43 Colonel Chesley, DSD, Memorandum to D. Pers., "Appointment to Commission Mr. T.A. Walsh," 27 March 1943 LAC 27-Mar-43 Colonel for Quartermaster-General to DOC MD2, "Embarkation Vessel E.632 - A.T. 41," 26 March 1943 LAC 26-Mar-43 Colonel Chesley, DSD, Memorandum to Judge Advocate General, "Special 25-1-1" Charge Sheet, 26 March 1943 LAC 26-Mar-43 Complete Deparment of Defence Secret False Docket No. 6 HQ8885, "Special Training School," 1942 LAC 1942-43 Letson for Adjutant-General, "Personnel Special Training School," 21 February 1943 LAC 21-Feb-43 Colonel Chesley, DSD to Major-General Constantine, DOC MD2, 23 March 1942 LAC 23-Mar-43 Colonel Chesley, DSD, Memorandum to D.T.M., 23 March 1943 LAC 23-Mar-43 Lieut.-Colonel, SD3 to DSD, "Special 25-1-1 Return O/S of Personnel," 22 March 1943 LAC 22-Mar-43 Colonel Chesley, DSD to Major-General Constantine, DOC MD2, 22 March 1943 LAC 22-Mar-43 Major-General Constantine, DOC MD2 to Colonel Chesley, DSD, "Special 25-1-1," 16 March 1943 with cover note to D. Org. LAC 16-Mar-43 Brigadier-General G.E. McQuaig to Colonel Chesley, DSD, "Special 25-1-1," 25 February 1943 LAC 25-Feb-43 Drew-Brook, BSC to Brigadier Gibson, "Project 'J' and HQS 8885 (DSD)," 1 February 1943 LAC 1-Feb-43 Colonel Chesley, DSD to Drew-Brook, BSC, Attestation Papers for Project "J," 30 January 1943 LAC 30-Jan-43 Colonel Chesley, DSD to Major-General Constantine, DOC MD2, Attestation Papers for Project "J," 30 January 1943 LAC 30-Jan-43 Page of 1883 Next Page Output Formats atom, csv, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2