Browse Items (37678 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Page of 1884 Next Page Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Excerpt from Note for File Government of Canada 21-Feb-53 L.D. Wilgress, Permanent Representative of Canada in the North Atlantic Council and the OEEC, Paris to Secretary of State for External Affairs 391 23-Jan-58 NYT Article (Forwarded by External Affairs) External Affairs 1/13/1967 "Ad Hoc Committee of Ministers on Public Security and Anti Terrorism," email from Diane Chartrand to Janice Charette, Lawrence Dickenson, Oonagh Fitzergald. PCO 01-Oct-01 "Advancing Public Safety" Clerk's Presentation PCO 25-Sep-01 "Aide Memoire: Lead Times - Nuclear Weapons" 15-May-61 "Aide Memoire: Provision of MRBMs for NATO Shield Forces" 20-Oct-61 "Arrival of 1st Bn. PPCLI in Korea. Brig. J.M. Rockingham shows officers of the 1st Bn. positions of the 25th Canadian Infantry Brigade on a map of Korea" Credit: Paul E. Tomelin/Canada. Dept. of National Defence/Library and Archives Canada/PA-133340 October 4, 1951 "Atomic Stockpiling," to Hugh Campbell, Air Marshal, Chief of the Air Staff from Charles Foulkes, General, Chairman, Chiefs of Staff 26-May-58 "B-47 Stratojet Bomber Taking off, Portsmouth Air Force Base, Portsmouth, New Hampshire" 2/8/1956 "Brief for the Canadian Delegation to the NATO Meeting April 1958: Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles" 31-Mar-58 "Brief for the Canadian Delegation to the NATO Meeting April 1958: NATO Atomic Stockpile" 31-Mar-58 "Brief for the Canadian Delegation to the North Atlantic Committee in Chiefs of Staff Session May 1962" 16-May-62 "Briefing by U.S. Experts on a Multilateral Seaborne MRBM Force - November 15, 1962" 19-Nov-62 "Briefing by U.S. Experts on a Multilateral Seaborne MRBM Force - November 15, 1962" 19-Nov-62 "Canada-United States Ministerial Committee on Joint Defence" Government of Canada 25-Sep-62 "Chronology of Government Statements Regarding Negotiations on Acquisition and Storage of Nuclear Weapons" 27-Sep-62 "Command Instructions" for Air Officer Commanding 1 RCAF Air Division LAC ATIP A-2023-05125 02-Mar-53 "Consultation with Parliment on Disposition of Canadian Forces" LAC ATIP A-2023-05125 23-Oct-51 "Directive to the NATO Military Authorities From the North Atlantic Council" 13-Dec-56 Page of 1884 Next Page Output Formats atom, csv, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2