23 December 1950: Wilgress Responds

On 23 December 1950, the High Commissioner for Canada to the United Kingdom Dana Wilgress responds to the Cabinet memo with a number of suggestions. Among the comments are references to the threat of a third world war. Wilgress recommends a military build-up in Western Europe but is worried that the 30 NATO divisions will not “have anything like the strength of 30 divisions of one nationtionality under the control of a single commander.” As well, he warns against emphasizing the differences in opinion between Canada and the United States. Wilgress believes that it would be better for the Canadians to make statements that make it clear that their position is shared by other NATO countries “as a matter of presentation.”

A few weeks later, in January 1951, Wilgress responds to Reid’s memos with much the same comments.

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High Commissioner for Canada, London to Secretary of State for External Affairs no. 2531, 23 Dec. 1950, LAC, RG 25, vol. 4758, file no. 50069-D-40, part 1.
