R. B. Bryce to H. F. Jones
H. F Jones, a Member of Parliament, had written a note on December 11th asking about the disposal of the dead in case of nuclear war. (The original letter is not in the archival folder from which this collection is drawn), CDWB00281 is a short letter from Bryce, Clerk of the Privy Council, to Jones, sent on December 12th, 1961. Bryce, responding to the note from Jones, told the MP that the Emergency Measures Organization was gathering information to provide a full answer to Jones. Bryce explains that the disposal of irradiated corpses “is a difficult problem in which some technical assistance would be required”.
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DEFENCE - Civil Defence - Survival Planning - Disposal of the Dead RG2-B-2, Box number: 25, File number: D-1-8(b)-10