+PM Chrétien's phone call with President Bush, October 7, 2001 Document Viewer GAC ATIP A-2023-00159 ← Ad Hoc Committee of Ministers on Public Safety and Anti Terrorism The Impact of September 11th: One Month Later → +PM Chrétien's phone call with President Bush, October 7, 2001 Cabinet after September 11, 2001 Cabinet after 9/11Special Meeting of Ministers (September 13, 2001)Day of Mourning - Small Group Meeting on September 13, 2001+ Commemorative Ceremony Honoring [sic] The Memory of the Victims of the September 11, 2001 Tragedy in the U.S.A. - OPTION A+ Preparation for Day of Mourning+ Proclamation of Day of Mourning+ Speaking Notes for Ceremony+ Coordination for Ceremony to be held on September 14, 2001 at noon, Meeting of Deputies+ "House Motion Text for Comments," email from Ronald Wall to Richard Fadden+ National Day of Mourning CeremonyBackground Material for September 18, 2001 Cabinet Meeting+ Table of Contents and Scenario+ Terrorist Attack on the United States [slide deck and deck with notes]+ Memorandum for the Prime Minister, "Implications of September 11, 2001"+ Policy Implications of September 11, 2001+ "Public Safety: Immediate Response Communications Considerations"+ National Situation Report No. 001 "U.S.A. Terrorism Incidents"+ "Public Safety Measures"+ "Pubic Safety Initiatives: Tests and Considerations"+ "Governance and Decision-Making Process Security and Intelligence in Canada"+ "Canada / United States: Meeting Our Common Security Challenges"+ National Security and Anti-Terrorism (Presentation to Cabinet by Minister MacAulay)+ MND [Minister of National Defence] Speaking Points for Cabinet Discussion of the Terrorist Attack on the U.S.+ "Terrorist Attacks on the US: Speaking Notes for Minister Manley"+ "Note for Minister's [Collenette] Cabinet Discussion" + "Hon. Elinor Caplan P.C., M.P. DRAFT SPEAKING NOTES"Cabinet Minutes for September 18, 2001Background Material for September 25, 2001 Cabinet Meeting+ Memorandum for the Prime Minister, "Cabinet Briefing Book"+ Memorandum for the Prime Minister, "Proposed Agenda for the Cabinet Meeting of September 25, 2001)"+ "September 11: Considerations for a Government Approach" [draft slide deck and notes]+ Menu+ Memorandum to the Prime Minister [attendance]+ Seating Arrangement+ Table of Contents and Scenario+ Memorandum for the Prime Minister, "North American Public Safety: Canadian Role"+ Minister Cauchon's Speaking Points+ Speaking Notes for Cabinet - Honorable Elinor Caplan - Update on Development+ Memorandum to the Prime Minister, "Public Safety and Anti-Terrorism Legislation""Advancing Public Safety" [Clerk's Presentation]Cabinet Minutes for September 25, 2001Ad Hoc Committee of Ministers on Public Safety and Anti Terrorism+PM Chrétien's phone call with President Bush, October 7, 2001The Impact of September 11th: One Month Later